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“Thank you Johanna for your expertise. You made Rudy a better dog and our life with him so much easier. I promise to continue to work with him so he can become the best he can be. We will keep in touch.”

What Jo's Clients Are Saying

So Positive & Encouraging

“We are so thankful for Johanna and just can’t recommend her highly enough! She is a joy to work with. Her love for the dogs is so evident, as is her passion for giving dogs and their owners the tools they need to thrive.”

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She is Learning!

“I have been working very hard with Izzy, AND she is LEARNING. I absolutely love what you are doing with us. You are absolutely fantastic!”

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Much Happier, Obedient Boy

“I can honestly say each issue was addressed and totally cleared up! He has learned manners and is a much happier, obedient boy. I learned so much myself and feel much more confident handling him!”

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Honestly Changed my Dog

“The training and tips you gave me honestly changed my dog and the relationship we have. Lukas is nearing his second birthday, and he is a completely different dog than the one I bought a year ago, and it is all thanks to you.”

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A Better Dog

“Thank you Johanna for your expertise. You made Rudy a better dog and our life with him so much easier. I promise to continue to work with him so he can become the best he can be. We will keep in touch.”

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